
CULINARY SKILLS ?Opening Ceremony and Workshop by IIHM

Students of classes VIII-IX gave a dance presentation in IIHM opening ceremony in Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan Auditorium on January 28,2019. The performance was appreciated by all.

On the same day, A Culinary Skills workshop was organised in the school by IIHM.

Colours , flavours, drooling foodies-it was a day of sumptuous delights when MaiteAzkarate Marti , a culinary maestro from Spain associated with ESHOB, a training institute for hospitality industry professionals based in Barcelona, conducted a workshop on culinary skills and techniques. Sharing with the students her vast range of experience, she let them in on quite a few tricks of the trade.She was accompanied by two students of IIHM, who talked about the growth of hospitality as a viable career option, its scope and significance in the economy.Delving inside the mind of professionals, the students got an insight of the secrets behind their daily lip smacking delights and luxurious getaways.